Who we are

Climate Activist Defenders (CAD) aims to protect the lives and well-being of front line climate justice activists (CJAs) working under oppressive and dangerous conditions. We facilitate their ability to continue carrying out their vital work to ensure a truly just transition and sustainable future.

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What we do

CAD provides personalised and individual emergency support and safety resources for climate justice activists in immediate risk. Through this activity we are also able to find unique solutions for each case.

Our Partners

Campaigns + Actions


The Russian military has invaded Ukraine and is repeatedly attacking and taking over Ukrainian territories. On March 3rd we took to the streets in 150 places to highlight the need for urgent and clear action in support of, not only Ukraine but also all the other people affected by wars. Check here

Emails For Evacuation

Many countries have promised humanitarian programs for afghans at risk, but they are not working! You can help us put pressure onto each government to open up the lists for climate justice activists by simply writing an email.

Donate to Ukraine

Ukraine has been attacked, causing the death of innocent victims, and generalized chaos. As in every crisis minorities are more vulnerable and experience the worst impacts. We set up a crowdfunding campaign to urgently raise funds to help activists and other vulnerable groups who were living in Ukraine.

Don't Forget Afghanistan

It’s been a year since the Taliban took control over the country and exacerbated the already tragic humanitarian crisis. CJAs still need your support. Support activists from Afghanistan by donating today.

CAD on the News

Your contribution can make a difference

Donate to support Climate Activist Defenders (CAD) today!